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Documentation: Zenteknix Salon Software

Java SSL Keystore: import server's cert

NOTE: the application has to use the JRE location, not the JDK location …

  • JAVA_HOME should be /usr/java/jre
  • JVM should be invoked as $JAVA_HOME/bin/java

The directory where the keystore is …
cd /usr/java/jre/lib/security

To list keys currently in the keystore …
keytool -list -keystore cacerts

Assuming cert has been exported (via browser) to file mycert.x509 …
To import that key into the keystore:
Note: default password of the keystore is: changeit
keytool -import -noprompt -trustcacerts -alias -file mycert.x509 -keystore cacerts

eGalaxy TouchScreen

Here is what is added to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf

Section "InputClass"
   Identifier "eGalaxy touchscreen"
   MatchVendor "eGalax"
   Option "SwapAxes" "on"
   Option "InvertX" "on"
   Option "InvertY" "off"
   Option "Calibration" "175 1900 121 1881"

Star TSP 600 Thermal Receipt Printer

Using a USB/Parallel adapter, which shows up in dmesg output as:

Bus 004 Device 003: ID 1a86:7584 QinHeng Electronics CH340S

The standard usblp module supports it, so:

modprobe usblp

The device usually shows up as /dev/usb/lp0, and a link could be made:

ln -s /dev/usb/lp0 /dev/ulpt0 ; ln -s /dev/usb/lp0 /dev/usblp0

Also, remember that users should be in the lp group to have access to the printer.

ZSSMantis Wiki Area

mantis/zss/doc.txt · Last modified: 2016/12/19 14:24 by rk4n3