Zenteknix Project Page: ztxmbt

-	Install some packages:
	+	yum install git
	+	yum install gcc
	+	yum install gcc-c++
	+	yum install mysql-devel
	+	yum install gd-devel
	+	yum install php
	+	yum install php-mysql
	+	yum install php-gd
	+	yum install php-mbstring

-	Enable SSH at boot:  chkconfig sshd on

-	Open firewall for port 80:
	iptables -I INPUT 5 -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

-	Save firewall settings: service iptables save

-	Create dir and symbolic link from /var/lib/mysql to /home/dbms/mysql
-	Edit /etc/my.cnf
-	Enable MySQL at boot:  chkconfig mysqld on

-	Edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
	+	UserDir enabled rk4n3
	+	UserDir www
	+	Uncomment "Directory" section for /home/*/www
-	Edit /etc/php.ini
	+	date.timezone = America/Chicago
-	Enable apache at boot:  chkconfig httpd on

-	Mantis & Dokuwiki initialization
	+	Perform mantisbt installation
	+	Remove "admin" subdirectory
	+	Populate mantisbt's config_inc.php
		define( 'STAGE50',68);
		$g_hostname = 'localhost';
		$g_db_type = 'mysql';
		$g_database_name = 'mantisdev';
		$g_db_username = 'wwwdev';
		$g_db_password = 'h0ckeypuck';
		$g_administrator_email = 'matt@samudio.net';
		$g_webmaster_email = 'matt@samudio.net';
		$g_from_email = 'matt@samudio.net';
		$g_return_path_email = 'matt@samudio.net';
		$g_smtp_host = 'zen.zenteknix.com:25';
		$g_enable_email_notification = ON;
		$g_bug_resolved_status_threshold = STAGE50;
		$g_notify_flags['new']['threshold_min'] = MANAGER;
		$g_notify_flags['new']['threshold_max'] = MANAGER;
		$g_max_file_size = 6144000;
		$g_wiki_enable = ON;
		$g_wiki_engine = 'dokuwiki';
		$g_wiki_root_namespace = 'esos';
		$g_wiki_engine_url = 'http://mantisdev/~rk4n3/wiki/';
		$g_epcm_autouser = 'rk4n3';

	+	Perform Dokuwiki installation (rename dokuwiki -> wiki)
	+	Adjust permissions for both (Mantis & Dokuwiki), o-rwx, g-w
	+	Then, adjust write permissions for Dokuwiki:
		chmod -R g+w data
		chmod g+w conf
		chown -R apache:apache lib
	+	After running Dokuwiki installer, remove "install.php"
	+	Log into dokuwiki as admin and install mantis plugins
		(Mantis Bug Tracker, AuthMantis, syntax mantis)
	+	Populate dokuwiki's conf/local.php
		 * Dokuwiki's Main Configuration File - Local Settings
		 * Auto-generated by install script
		 * Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2016 07:53:27 +0000
		define( 'MANTIS_ROOT', '/home/rk4n3/www/');
		define( 'MANTIS_URL', 'http://mantisdev/~rk4n3');
		$conf['title'] = 'Mantis Wiki (dev!)';
		$conf['lang'] = 'en';
		$conf['license'] = '0';
		$conf['disableactions'] = 'register';
		$conf['useacl'] = 1;
		$conf['superuser'] = '@ADMINISTRATOR';
		$conf['authtype'] = 'authmantis';
		$conf['defaultgroup'] = 'VIEWER';
		$conf['plugin']['mantis']['mantis_server'] = 'http://mantisdev/~rk4n3/';
		require_once( MANTIS_ROOT . 'core.php');
	+	Populate dokuwiki's conf/acl.auth.php
		*                                @ALL            0
		*                                @user           0
		*                                @VIEWER         1
		*                                @REPORTER       1
		*                                @UPDATER        1
		*                                @DEVELOPER      1
		*                                @MANAGER        1
		*                                @ADMINISTRATOR  16
		*                                @admin          16
		*                                admin           16
		# Entry point and wiki docs
		start                            @ALL            1
		wiki                             @ALL            1
		wiki:*                           @ALL            1
		# ESOS area
		esos                             @ALL            1
		esos:*                           @ALL            1
		esos                             @DEVELOPER      8
		esos:*                           @DEVELOPER      8
		# Personal area(s)...
		home:rk4n3                       rk4n3           16
		home:rk4n3:*                     rk4n3           16
		home:rk4n3:public                rk4n3           16
		home:rk4n3:public:*              rk4n3           16
		home:rk4n3:public                @ALL            1
		home:rk4n3:public:*              @ALL            1

-	git clone srchost:/path/to/repos/esosmbt

-	git clone srchost:/path/to/repos/ztxcharts

Tune some aspects in the MySQL DB