Raspberry Pi ====== RaspEX ====== ===== Installation ===== * Write image onto MicroSD * Boot, take note of MAC addresses and add to LAN DHCP/DNS accordingly * Run the ''resize_rootfs.sh'' script as ''root'' (its in ''/root'') * Change hostname (in both ''/etc/hostname'' and ''/etc/hosts'') and reboot ===== Initialization Tips & Tricks ===== ==== Date/Time ==== * Set timezone: ''dpkg-reconfigure tzdata'' * Calibrate date/time: ''ntpdate us.pool.ntp.org'' * Edit ''/etc/ntp.conf'' and start NTPD with ''/etc/init.d/ntp start'' ==== Migrate user(s) ==== * Create desired login(s)groupadd -g 1xx0 yourgroup useradd -u 1xx0 -g 1xx0 -d /home/yourlogin -s /bin/bash -c "Your Name" -m yourlogin * Add login(s) to groups (use ''id -a raspex'' to identify list of groups needed for admin login)usermod -a -G list,of,group,names yourlogin * Add login to ''/etc/sudoers'' * Delete default user: ''deluser raspex ; rm -rf /home/raspex'' ==== Disable Auto-Login ==== Edit ''/etc/slim.conf'' and change the ''auto_login'' value to ''no'' \\ ==== Details ... ==== * Wallpaper location: ''/usr/share/images/bunsen/wallpapers/default'' * Disable conky: ''apt remove --purge conky conky-all'' ==== Packages ==== * ''apt install xscreensaver'' * ''apt install git'' ====== Notes ====== ===== Basic Installation ===== * Get raspbian image (typically a ZIP from [[https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian]]) * Unzip image, write to SD card:dd if=raspbiandownload.img of=/dev/sdX bs=4M conv=fsync * Default login is ''pi'' with password ''raspberry'' ===== misc ===== * Change root and pi passwords * Enable SSH at boot, use raspi-config in the "Interfacing Options" section * Add user, ensure groups, and sudoers * Update host name in: * ''/etc/hostname'' * ''/etc/hosts'' * If necesary, resize root partition, reboot, resize fs * Install (via apt-get) some basics: * ksh * htop * xterm * rsync * git * libudev-dev * libusb-1.0-0-dev * libfox-1.6-dev * autotools-dev * autoconf * automake * libtool * xfe (optional) ===== MythTV Front End ===== See original for complete reference: [[https://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Raspberry_Pi]] * Configure gpu_mem=256 using ''raspi-config'' * Configure this to be run at each boot (put in ''/etc/rc.local''):echo "performance" | /usr/bin/tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor * Disable pulseaudio * In ''/etc/pulse/client.conf'' set ''autospawn=no'' and ''daemon-binary=/bin/true'' * Install MythTV Light per instructions at [[https://www.mythtv.org/wiki/MythTV_Light]] * In ''/etc/apt/sources.list'' add a line like:deb http://dl.bintray.com/bennettpeter/deb stretch myth28 * Add key:wget -O - https://bintray.com/user/downloadSubjectPublicKey?username=bintray | apt-key add - * ''apt update'' * ''apt install mythtv-light'' * ''apt install mythplugins-light'' ===== USB Relay ===== * Make a copy of /var to /home/sys * Prune /home/sys/var * Set up tmpfs mounts, like (pay attention to mode and size): \\ ''tmpfs /var/log tmpfs defaults,noatime,nosuid,mode=0755,size=100m 0 0'' * /tmp, no mode, size=100M * /var/tmp, no mode, size=30M * /var/log, mode=0755, size=100M * /var/spool/mqueue, mode=700, gid=12, size=30M * Clone source for USB relay control: git clone git://github.com/signal11/hidapi.git git clone https://github.com/darrylb123/usbrelay.git * Build HIDAPI, cd to source dir and:./bootstrap ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-testgui make make install You need HIDAPI and USBRELAY: \\ git clone git://github.com/signal11/hidapi.git Check out the readme, and install dependencies before installing. \\ then: git clone https://github.com/darrylb123/usbrelay.git Then, in usbrelay folder: gcc -o usbrelay usbrelay.c -lhidapi-libusb Then do: ldconfig Read more here: * http://www.signal11.us/oss/hidapi/ * https://github.com/darrylb123/usbrelay To get status: ./usbrelay 2>/dev/null \\ To get status in bash script: \\ $ eval $(sudo ./usbrelay 2>/dev/null) $ echo $PSUIS_2 Turn on: /usbrelay EO5ZA_1=1 Turn off: /usbrelay EO5ZA_1=0